XForms: long data arg in callbacks?

Michael Robert Kaufman (mikek@cs.uoregon.edu)
Fri, 6 Feb 1998 18:05:07 -0800 (PST)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Michael Robert Kaufman <mikek@cs.uoregon.edu> :

Hi there,

I wanted to use the long data arg (2nd param) of the callback function as
pointer to a struct. This way, I could access struct members from within
the callback as

data->memberVar1 = ...
... data->memberVar2 + ...

On the online manual, it says the callback routine should have the form

void callback(FL_OBJECT *obj,long argument)

Is there an intended purpose other than my own for the 2nd arg of object
callback functions? Is it safe for me to use this long as a void*? Does
anyone have any suggestions as to how to pass a struct pointer into my
callback i.e. Motif's clientData?

Thanks in advance,


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