XForms: drawing on my canvas with the mouse

Dick Middleton (dick@sqf.hp.com)
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 09:19:12 GMT

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Dick Middleton <dick@sqf.hp.com> :

> # To subscribers of the xforms list from AMIT BHATNAGAR <amit@cs.dal.ca> :

> My second is a motion notify handler.. and what I would like to do is
> this: Print out the current position of the mouse somewhere on my form
> itself.. not to stdout, (and not to the canvas either). I can accomplish
> this by printing to stdout.. but I'd rather print to the program window. I
> can't seem to get fl_draw_text to work..

You need to call fl_winset(window) before using the fl_draw routines.

I find I can draw rubber-band lines OK using GXor mode but text always seems
to draw in GXcopy mode. This means you cannot delete the old text and you end
up with a mush on the screen. This could be bug BTW.



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