XForms: flx: request for contributions

Robert S. Mallozzi (mallors@crazyhorse.msfc.nasa.gov)
Tue, 24 Feb 1998 14:06:44 -0600 (CST)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from "Robert S. Mallozzi" <mallors@crazyhorse.msfc.nasa.gov> :

Hi everyone,

I am working on putting together a small library of
user-defined objects and utility functions for xforms
called the flx library. I began to develop the library
to provide additional routines that are not present
in xforms, and to provide alternatives for some of
the xforms built-in routines (goodies).

The authors of xforms designed that library to be
easily extended with user-defined objects. flx is
my attempt at gathering together some objects that
have been designed by the users of xforms and some
utility routines into one convenient package.

Therefore, contributions to flx are requested!

If you have designed a new xforms object, or if you
have some utility routines you think would be of use
to others, submit them to me at

Subject: flx submission

for integration into flx. Please provide source code,
a README file that explains the purpose, and if possible,
a small example program demonstrating the function.

It is my hope that flx will become a useful and convenient
extension to xforms. To do so, contributions from others
are required!

Note that utility routines should be xforms oriented.
That is, general C programming utility routines are not
considered relevant for the flx library.

Here is what I have so far:

flx_filebox: Alternative file selector

flx_help_dialog: Simple text help widget

flx_show_input: Alternatives to some goodies

flx_return_button: Default return button similar in
appearance to a Motif default button

Several other utility functions, e.g. flx_sort_browser.

In progress:

flx_track_mouse: Rubber-band selections in an fl_xyplot


Robert S. Mallozzi
University of Alabama

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