XForms: wasted browser line

Tano Fotang (M.Tano@FH-Wolfenbuettel.DE)
Tue, 03 Mar 1998 12:28:57 -0800

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Tano Fotang <M.Tano@FH-Wolfenbuettel.DE> :

Normally, lines added to a full browser are drawn
a short distance about the browser bottom. However,
as soon as the horizontal scrollbar appears, future lines are drawn
a distance the height of a browser line above the browser
bottom. If the form is so resized that the horizantal scrollbar
disappears, browser contents are rearranged so that that the last
line is again drawn just near the browser base and evrything is okay
again until hor. scrollbar appears.. then one line is wasted again.

0.88 & 0.88.1
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