XForms: getting the current max popup value for current process

Tano Fotang (M.Tano@FH-Wolfenbuettel.DE)
Tue, 03 Mar 1998 13:31:58 -0800

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Tano Fotang <M.Tano@FH-Wolfenbuettel.DE> :

How do you obtain the current max number of pups
_without_ wanting to set a new value?
The xforms doc says fl_setpup_maxpup(new_max) sets the value
but teh value returned seems to be the new value, not the old
one. I'm trying to increment current max value by 32 each time
the current max value is exceeded. But i dont know
what current max is.

is there an "official" way of doing this?
btw, FL_MAXPUP cant be accessed (undefined, says gcc)

Fotang, 0.88.1
Tried the followin but it's guesswork:

#define new_pup_max (fl_setpup_maxpup(fl_setpup_maxpup(0)+32))
p = fl_newpup(FL_ObjWin((FL_OBJECT *)my_menu));
if(p==-1){printf("%d",new_pup_max); goto retry;}
In defpup [xpopup.c 171] Exceeded FL_MAXPUP (32)--Invalid argument
Please check for leaks. Current allocated menus are: etc..
/* but "64" is printed to stdout */

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