XForms: overwrite mode for fl_input?

keith tang (tang@pcpros.net)
Fri, 06 Mar 1998 18:15:55 -0600

# To subscribers of the xforms list from keith tang <tang@pcpros.net> :

Does anybody know if an input box can be put in an overwrite mode?

I would like to be able to place the cursor at the beginning of
existing text and have the new characters overwrite existing characters.

I am aware of "fl_set_input_cursorpos(FL_OBJECT *ob, int xpos, int

I'm looking for something like:

fl_set_input_mode(obj, FL_OVER_WRITE);

Also, it would be nice to not loose the keyboard when the mouse pointer
is outside of the form boundries.

I'm presently using v .86.

Thank you,

Keith Tang
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