XForms: Browser tabs problems and wibnis

Dick Middleton (dick@sqf.hp.com)
Thu, 12 Mar 1998 15:01:22 GMT

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Dick Middleton <dick@sqf.hp.com> :

I'm having difficulty putting tabulated columns of data into browsers. I
think there is more than one issue.

Firstly the position of the tabstop set with fl_set_tabstop("aaaaaaaa") seems
to be actually at "aaaaaaaaa", i.e. the length of 9 'a's rather than 8 'a's -
one a more than it should be. The same is true with shorter strings of 'a's;
5 'a's produces a tabstop after 'a' #6 etc. I would expect the tabstop to be
positioned at the pixel position returned by fl_get_string_width of the
tabstop string. This does not seem to be the case.

Secondly the fl_get_string_width function treats a tab character as zero
length so the length of a string with embedded tabs is not as one might

Thirdly the fl_set_tabstop function cannot be used to set different tabstops
for different browsers in the same form because it does not take effect until
the callback returns. This also makes it difficult to reset the tabstops back
to the default value after setting it specifically for one browser. I think
the browser should copy the tabstops in force when it is referenced (perhaps
in fl_clear_browser) and not use the global value.

It would be nice if it were possible to set tabstops at varying column
positions so that the field widths (between tabstops) were not necessarily
equal. It would be especially nice if tabstops could be made selectable left
or right aligned. One could perhaps enhance fl_set_tabstop to handle strings
for example something like "aaaaaaa<aaaaaaaa>aa<aaaaa" where the '<' and '>'
characters represented left and right tabstop positions with the last tab
field being repeated.

I'm hoping somebody can suggest some workarounds; meanwhile it's back to
fixed width fonts.

xforms 0.88 - hp-ux 9.05



Dick Middleton
Phone: +44 131-331 7530
Fax: +44 131-331 7443 ( )
email: dick@sqf.hp.com ( )
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- I'd rather be soaring

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