XForms: Xforms4Perl Continuing OpenGL Troubleshooting

Perry ((hutchisp@wsmr.army.mil)")
Mon, 20 Apr 1998 15:32:41 -0600 (MDT)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from "Perry (hutchisp@wsmr.army.mil)" <hutchisp@wsmr.army.mil> :

Dear Martin,

I don't think your mail works. I sent this last week.

Please excuse the dumb tpyo in "-DXFOPENGL".

Using the right argument, I got the following warning:

Xforms.c: In function `XS_X11__Xforms_fl_get_glcanvas_context':
Xforms.c:7651: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast

Also, in X11/Xforms/Xforms.xs, I included <GL/glx.h> to get Xforms.c to compile.

On executing gl.pl, I got the error message:

In fl_hide_form [forms.c 830] Hiding invisible/freeed form
You forget to call fl_end_form OpenGL Canvas
perl: can't resolve symbol 'XShmQueryVersion'

I tried compiling Xforms4Perl with -Xext, but it didn't help the
"SHmQueryVersion" error.

Thanks, Perry.

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