Re: XForms: Free object draw and redraw problem

Lam Chin Hun Ricky (
Sat, 2 May 1998 17:25:40 +0800 (HKT)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Lam Chin Hun Ricky <> :

> There are several questions to ask:
> Are you sure that the Free object handler is being called?
> Are you sure that the coordinates you're using are correct and within
> the area of the Form and/or Free object?
> If you are setting clipping, are you sure that the clipping bounds are
> correct?
> Are you clearing the Free object before you begin the refresh or
> drawing?
> Do other objects get properly updated or respond when clicked or
> actuated by the user?
> Are you returning control to the XForms main loop after you draw? If
> you don't then the draw commands may be buffered and not sent to the
> server. You can also periodically call fl_check_forms() if you have a
> long running loop that would otherwise "hang" the application's user
> interface.
> spl

The Free object handler is being called.

When a new set of data arrived, fl_redraw_obj() is called and so the handler
routine is being called. The function of it is to define the coordinates of the
lines being drawn. The coordinates are correct and within the area of the Form
and/or Free object.

No clipping is set.

Other objects like buttons and sliders are worked properly.

The fl_check_forms() is called periodically ( period = 200msec). The update of
the data is relatively fast, about 3 per sec, so can the free drawing object
update that fast?

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