XForms: fl_finish; why not change it?

Vicentini Emanuele (vicentin@arena.sci.univr.it)
Tue, 5 May 1998 08:50:24 +0200 (CEST)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Vicentini Emanuele <vicentin@arena.sci.univr.it> :

Hi everyone,
Digging in my old mail I found this rather old topic:

On Fri, 3 Apr 1998, Steve Lamont wrote:

> The primary purpose of fl_finish() is to clean up any modifications
> that XForms has made to the server defaults in the case of a callback
> activated by a shortcut. The fl_finish() should be more or less
> immediately followed by an exit(), since as a side effect the server
> connection is also shut down.
> You should not return to the XForms main loop from the callback.
> Code
> fl_finish();
> exit( 0 );

Well, why don't chage fl_finish to something like

void fl_finish(short exit_value){

* all the code necessary...



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