XForms: OpenGl canvas

Thierry Baron (thr@visionsphere.ca)
Tue, 12 May 1998 09:38:18 +0100

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Thierry Baron <thr@visionsphere.ca> :


I am using xforms V0.88 on a linux machine with Mesa.

Here I have the following problem with a glcanvas. The canvas is integrated
inside the user interface and I want to display grey level images images
in it.
I have trouble to initialize the colormap.
I was planning to use a shared colormap using an opengl lut and the
colors of the Xserver [grey0..grey100] but i was unable to get a correct
colormap. I tried different things like setting forms graphics mode but
did not get any Results except for DirectColors where i can see a flash of
the image with the correct lookup when I am crossing the border of the

Any ideas


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