XForms: xforms bug with underlining option

Jose E. Alcoreza (alcorezj@adam.wsmr.army.mil)
Wed, 20 May 1998 07:17:47 -0600

# To subscribers of the xforms list from "Jose E. Alcoreza" <alcorezj@adam.wsmr.army.mil> :

I'm running xforms v 0.88 under Irix 6.2. I'm trying to incorporate a bar
menu option to my application, that would allow the user to select a
particular key and the menu would popup with the option selected.
To understand better my problem, is better if I give you part of my code:

Creating my popup menu

FL_PUP_ENTRY menu_entries_test[]=

Calling the popup menu

int n_view= fl_newpup(0);
fl_setpup_entries(n_view, menu_entries_test);
fl_set_menu_popup( some bar menu object, n_view);

Setting shortcuts for the users
fl_setpup_shortcut(n_view,2,"2"); //menu2
fl_setpup_shortcut(n_view,3,"1"); // submenu1
fl_setpup_shortcut(n_view,4,"2"); // submenu2
fl_setpup_shortcut(n_view,6,"3"); //menu3
fl_setpup_shortcut(n_view,7,"1"); // submenu1
fl_setpup_shortcut(n_view,8,"2"); // submenu2

my problem is the following :
after underlining the number 2 in menu2; the number 3 in menu3 is not
underline, but the submenu options of menu3 are underline
Is there a bug in xforms ?
Can any one tell me what I'm doing wrong.....


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