XForms: interaction

AMIT BHATNAGAR (amit@cs.dal.ca)
Wed, 20 May 1998 13:59:06 -0300 (ADT)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from AMIT BHATNAGAR <amit@cs.dal.ca> :

well I have figured out how to display multipl eforms viz a "menu form"
that I have created. I have made a call back that will fl_show_form from
the proper fdui struct that are all defined in my .h files.

The problem now is that each of my forms have their own set of callbacks,
and I do not know how to incorperate this into my menu form. Keep in mind
that there may be callbacks that are the same for some forms (ie: 3 or
more forms can have an Edit button which would call the edit callback for
that form.)

How do I handle the call back routines for each of the forms while
handling the display of the forms by the menu form?

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