Re: XForms: text objects

Thu, 28 May 1998 17:08:26 -0300 (ADT)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from AMIT BHATNAGAR <> :

> I'm not sure I understand why you need to update Text objects if you
> already have the same information in the Input object. This seems
> redundant to me.


When a user enters an input field.. its corresponding callback is
defaulted to be executed when the user LEAVES the field (ie: the user
press's TAB or whatever).

What I want is to display, in a text box, instructions for the user
telling him what to type in. I want this to happen when he ENTERS the

Now I could set the input field's callback to be FL_RETURN_ALWAYS,
(which would set the textbox as soon as the user entered a character), but
like you said before regarding my pipes, let the callbacks handle it, and
the other program does not want the input char by char, rather sending the
whole string at once.

So basically, i have to have the callback send the string when the user
leaves the field, and I have to have the textbox populate with
instructions when the user enters the field..

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