XForms: input interation

AMIT BHATNAGAR (amit@cs.dal.ca)
Thu, 4 Jun 1998 10:07:15 -0300 (ADT)

# To subscribers of the xforms list from AMIT BHATNAGAR <amit@cs.dal.ca> :

Upon a startup of a form with input fields, there will always be one
object focused. Is there any easy way of not having any input fields
focused untill I press a button, for example?

I know that fl_set_focus will work, and that handle(FL_UNFOCUS) [I think],
will unfocus an object.. but how would I make it so that it defaults to
having no input fields focused?

Another question: I am piping information to and from my fork'd child. I
am wondering if the use of io_callbacks would make things easier? Right
now I have a callback for all of my inputfields to fl_get_input and then
write (fd, input)... would io_callbacks make things somewhat easier?

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