Hugo ter Doest (
Thu, 11 Jun 1998 09:42:53 +0200

# To subscribers of the xforms list from Hugo ter Doest <> :

Steve Lamont writes:
> > I try to gray out an item of a menu by saying:
> >
> > fl_set_menu_item_mode((FL_OBJECT *)fd_menu->file_menu, 10, FL_PUP_GRAY);
> >
> > It stays the same color (black) however, and I can still push it.
> > Is this feature implemented?
> As far as I can tell, it is. It works for me in a little test program
> I just built and ran.
> What version of XForms are you running?

V0.88 (do I need to upgrade ?)

I did some more tests. Tried all three menu types: PUSH_MENU,
PULLDOWN_MENU, TOUCH_MENU. Still does not work.

This is the menu fdesign generates for me:

static FL_PUP_ENTRY fdmenu_File28[] =
/* itemtext callback shortcut mode */
{ "PCKIMMO", 0, "", FL_PUP_GRAY},
{ " Rules", 0, "", FL_PUP_NONE},
{ " Lexicon", 0, "", FL_PUP_NONE},
{ " Grammar", 0, "", FL_PUP_NONE},
{ "PCPATR", 0, "", FL_PUP_GRAY},
{ " Lexicon", 0, "", FL_PUP_NONE},
{ " Grammar", 0, "", FL_PUP_NONE},
{ "Logging", 0, "", FL_PUP_GRAY},
{ " Open", 0, "", FL_PUP_NONE},
{ " Close", 0, "", FL_PUP_NONE},
{ "Exit", 0, "x", FL_PUP_NONE},

The grayed out menu item are gray as I requested. But if I try to gray
out a menu item programmatically with fl_set_menu_item_mode, the menu
item stays the same, and I can still push it.

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