Re: XForms: Peculiar behavior of fl_get_folder_area()

From: Steve Lamont (
Date: Fri Apr 07 2000 - 10:38:54 EDT

  • Next message: Matthew Whillock: "Re: XForms: Button background color"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from (Steve Lamont) :

    > The program below illustrates (some of) the peculiarities of
    > fl_get_folder_area().
    > 1) the behavior for all tabs is wrong although it differs for the
    > first and later calls: For the first, h seems to be too large,
    > and y seems ok, for later calls h seems ok and y seems too large.

    Yes, methinks this is a bug. The first call returns the dimensions
    and origin of the *entire* Folder area -- without tabs. Later calls
    return the dimensions and origin after being offset by the tabs.

    > 2) closer inspection reveals that the claim that x and y are
    > relative to the top level form are not true, they appears
    > approx. twice as large.

    As far as I can tell by close inspection with a screen grabbed image,
    they are correct. In your example, I get

            x 13 y 40 w 354 h 87

    where the Folder was created at x = 10, y = 10. Offsetting 3 pixels
    for the box, that puts us at x = 13, y = 13. Offsetting 27 pixels for
    the tab puts us at y = 40.

    However, this information isn't terribly useful for positioning
    objects within the Form managed by the Folder, anyhow, so I suggest
    disregarding it.

    The location of an Obect on a Form managed by a Folder is relative to
    the child Form's origin (0,0). So, in your code

    > /* top left */
    > fl_add_box (FL_UP_BOX, x, y, butW, butH, txt);
    > /* bottom_left, too low ?? */
    > fl_add_box (FL_UP_BOX, x, y + h - butH, butW, butH, txt);
    > /* top right, too far right ?? */
    > fl_add_box (FL_UP_BOX, x + w - butW, y, butW, butH, txt);
    > /* bottom_right, ?? */
    > fl_add_text (FL_UP_BOX, x + w - butW, y + h - butH, butW, butH, txt);

    you should be doing

        fl_add_box (FL_UP_BOX, 0, 0, butW, butH, txt);
        fl_add_box (FL_UP_BOX, 0, h - butH, butW, butH, t0t);
        fl_add_box (FL_UP_BOX, w - butW, 0, butW, butH, txt);
        fl_add_text (FL_UP_BOX, w - butW, h - butH, butW, butH, txt);
    That will position the Objects where you want them, relative to the
    origin of the containing Form.

    A workaround for the bogus area returned by the first call is to
    create the Form empty and then add your objects:

        fl_get_folder_area (folder, &x, &y, &w, &h);
        form = fl_bgn_form (FL_BORDER_BOX, w, h);

        fl_end_form ();

        fl_get_folder_area (folder, &x, &y, &w, &h);
        fl_add_box (FL_UP_BOX, 0, 0, butW, butH, txt);
        fl_add_box (FL_UP_BOX, 0, h - butH, butW, butH, t0t);
        fl_add_box (FL_UP_BOX, w - butW, 0, butW, butH, txt);
        fl_add_text (FL_UP_BOX, w - butW, h - butH, butW, butH, txt);

        fl_end_form ();

    You really only need to do this your first pass through the tab
    creation routine -- later passes would work correctly with more

        fl_get_folder_area (folder, &x, &y, &w, &h);
        form = fl_bgn_form (FL_BORDER_BOX, w, h);
        fl_add_box (FL_UP_BOX, 0, 0, butW, butH, txt);
        fl_add_box (FL_UP_BOX, 0, h - butH, butW, butH, t0t);
        fl_add_box (FL_UP_BOX, w - butW, 0, butW, butH, txt);
        fl_add_text (FL_UP_BOX, w - butW, h - butH, butW, butH, txt);

        fl_end_form ();

    Perhaps you can create and add a bogus Form to the Folder and then
    just delete it once you've created your real child Forms -- this would
    make the creation logic somewhat less involved.

    Beware the caveats regarding tab sizes and monitor resolutions
    discussed in the manual.

    I hope this makes some shred of sense.

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