XForms: Colormap & fl_image

From: Yann Guichoux (guichoux@shom.fr)
Date: Wed Apr 26 2000 - 04:50:55 EDT

  • Next message: Martin Bartlett: "XForms: The name 'XForms'"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from Yann Guichoux <guichoux@shom.fr> :


    I 've got some problems to deal with colormaps while displaying a few
    images in my application.

    My problem is that when i display an image within one of the windows i
    created, and when i select another window of my application with the
    mouse cursor, all the colors of the displayed image are changing..and i
    don't know how to get the original colormap back .

    I tried to use
    XSetWindowColormap(dpy,win,fl_state[fl_get_vclass()].colormap) (where
    win is the window i displayed the image in.)
    just after displaying the image, without success...

    any suggestion ?

    Thanks for any help.
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