XForms: New xforms programs on my site

From: Marien van Westen (myrnout@home.nl)
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 03:48:09 EDT

  • Next message: Steve Lamont: "Re: XForms: New xforms programs on my site"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from "Marien van Westen" <myrnout@home.nl> :

    Hello xforms fans,

    I have placed some new xforms programs on my site.
    The subjects they cover are:
    - simple demo's for beginners
    - how to acces hardware (R-2R network on parallel port) with xforms programs
    - some fun stuff
    - telecomunication and electronics programs for educational purposes
    The last section includes a simulation program for digital filters (FIR and
    The filter coefficients can be calculated with a spreadsheet program.

    You can find these programs at:
    or at:

    Marien van Westen m.c.van.westen@pl.hanze.nl

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