XForms: Redirecting events

From: Nicolas Castagne (Nicolas.Castagne@imag.fr)
Date: Mon May 07 2001 - 09:04:46 EDT

  • Next message: Nicolas Castagne: "XForms: Iconifying and restoring"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from Nicolas Castagne <Nicolas.Castagne@imag.fr> :


            I have some hard event-managing to perform, and I wonder if some
    one could help me a bit.

            Actually, I create a window GL "A" with fl_glwincreate, on which I
    define a callback for every kind of event using fl_add_event_callback.

            I create also forms, let's say a form B with some input

            Then, I wanna treat SOME of the KeyPress events of the A GL window
    as if they were raised in the XFORMS B window... that is: put into
    the input fiels of the B window the text that was typed in the A window.

            To me, this could be achieved by calling when necessary the B
    window callback from the A window callback, with the event received... But
    I don't know how to call a form callback !

            Any idea ?

            Thx, best regards,

    Nicolas Castagne

    Doctorant ICA - ACROE
            Laboratoire Informatique et Creation Artistique
            Association pour la Creation et la Recherche
                    sur les Outils d'Expression
    INPG, 46 av Felix Viallet
    38 000 Grenoble, France

    tel : (33) 4 76 57 46 60


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