XForms: undefined symbol: flimage_enable_ps

From: Arrigo Benedetti (arrigo@bologna.vision.caltech.edu)
Date: Sun Jun 24 2001 - 20:31:45 EDT

  • Next message: Arrigo Benedetti: "XForms: ERROR: undefined symbol: flimage_enable_ps"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from Arrigo Benedetti <arrigo@bologna.vision.caltech.edu> :

    I have installed the XForms 0.89 library on a Debian Linux box from
    the libforms0.89 package. The problem is that all the programs in
    DEMOS that handle an FL_IMAGE give this error:

    harry:/usr/local/src/xforms/DEMOS# ./iconvert
    ./iconvert: error in loading shared libraries: ./iconvert: undefined symbol: flimage_enable_ps

    The others programs run fine. Any ideas?

    Thanks much,

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