XForms: A Mission of Gravity

From: J. P. Mellor (jpmellor@rose-hulman.edu)
Date: Tue Mar 12 2002 - 09:35:24 EST

# To subscribers of the xforms list from "J. P. Mellor" <jpmellor@rose-hulman.edu> :

spl@ncmir.ucsd.edu writes:
> # To subscribers of the xforms list from spl@ncmir.ucsd.edu :
> A further note on the continuing ConfigureNotify problem.
> I discovered if I added
> fl_set_object_gravity(obj, FL_NorthWest, FL_SouthEast);
> to the specification of the Canvas object that the ConfigureNotify
> event is properly propagated to the Canvas.
> In my experimentation and instrumentation of the code, it seems as if
> it depends on the window manager and/or the version of X whether the
> ConfigureNotify event is generated for the Canvas subwindow.

Apparently, I have a not-so-friendly window manager and/or X server.
The fl_set_object_gravity() doesn't help me. Regardless of the the
form's size, if the canvas starts at 0,1 or 1,0 the ConfigureNotify's
behave nicely. If the canvas starts at 0,0 the ConfigureNotify's do
not behave nicely.

In the meantime I just put the canvas at 1,1 and everything works great!

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