Re: XForms: A question about xpopup.c:handle_motion

From: Angus Leeming (
Date: Wed Apr 09 2003 - 13:45:39 EDT

  • Next message: Angus Leeming: "Re: XForms: Documentation"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from Angus Leeming <> :

    On Wednesday 09 April 2003 3:45 pm, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
    > Now, when I try to understand the second test, I am a bit lost. It
    > seems to me that mx is a coordinate relative to the popup. So what
    > sense does it make to compare it to m->x?

    mx and my are the coordinates of the mouse pointer relative to the top left
    corner of the dialog's Window.

    PopUp::x,y are defined as /* origin relative to root */ which I suspect means
    relative to the button that launched them.

    Having said that, the relevant code is:

    static FL_Coord extx, exty;
    fl_showpup(int n) {
        PopUP *m = menu_rec + n;

        /* external coord is given relative to root */
        if (!extpos)
            fl_get_mouse(&extx, &exty, &kmask);
        else if (extx < 0)
            extx = -extx - m->w;
        else if (exty < 0)
            exty = -exty - m->h;

        /* if parent is not root, need to find its geometry */
        if (m->parent != fl_root)
            fl_get_win_geometry(m->parent, &px, &py, &pw, &ph);

        x = extx;
        y = exty;

        m->x = x;
        m->y = y;

    Does this help any?

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