Re: XForms: how to "parent" a form ?

From: Angus Leeming (
Date: Sun Apr 13 2003 - 16:15:10 EDT

  • Next message: Angus Leeming: "Re: XForms: form with input object cratering app"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from Angus Leeming <> :

    On Sunday 13 April 2003 9:10 am, Greg Hosler wrote:
    > # To subscribers of the xforms list from Greg Hosler <> :
    > Hi,
    > I have some forms (created with fl_bgn_form() ...)
    > Th eproblem is that I want to parent certain forms to other forms, so that,
    > for example, the child form will never be obsecured by the parent form.
    > I've searched the manual,
    > and I'm not seeing any references in the xforms library as to how to make a
    > form a child of another widget.
    > I'm looking at XReparentWindow() as a possible way of re-parenting a form
    > after the fact, but I was hoping that the create form process would accept
    > a widget to be used as the parent.
    > any way (within xforms) to parent a form ?

    I guess that this isn't the answer that you are looking for, but fl_show_form
    can be used to change the way the dialog behaves. Eg:

                    int const iconify_policy =
                            IconifyWithMain() ? FL_TRANSIENT : 0;

                                 FL_PLACE_MOUSE | FL_FREE_SIZE,


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