XForms: Secret Input Bug

From: jac@casurgica.com
Date: Wed May 28 2003 - 15:07:44 EDT

  • Next message: jac@casurgica.com: "XForms: Another Secret Input Bug"

    # To subscribers of the xforms list from jac@casurgica.com :

    If you have a secret input box, and you type in it, and your text causes
    the caret to go past the width of the text box, everything gets all
    screwed up. The caret gets drawn back at the beginning of the text box,
    and if you do it again, the caret is even more to the left, and each time
    you go past the end of the text box, the caret gets drawn even more to the
    left, so eventually your caret is really far away from the actual text
    box. And if you highlight the text in the box to delete it when this is
    happening, the highlight gets drawn all over the place.


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