XForms: how can I get the pixel value under pointer?

From: Rouben Rostamian (rostamian@umbc.edu)
Date: Fri Jun 06 2003 - 22:13:00 EDT

# To subscribers of the xforms list from "Rouben Rostamian" <rostamian@umbc.edu> :

Oops, I see that the question in my previous post suffered from a
bad case of cut-and-paste. Here is the cleaned up version. Sorry.

In an xforms application, I wish to be able to click the mouse
anywhere on the screen, not necessarily on an xforms form, and
capture the RGB values of the pixel under the pointer. I don't
know how to go about this. I would appreciate any help/pointers
you may provide.

Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
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