[XForms] Re: JPEG/EXIF support?

Angus Leeming angus.leeming at btopenworld.com
Fri Nov 28 04:16:22 EST 2003

On Friday 28 November 2003 1:37 am, Clive A Stubbings wrote:
> Hi Angus,
> I built the original fix a long time ago, possibly on one of the really
> early open releases. It is always possible that it has been subsequently
> fixed elsewhere.
> The old flimage_dup did
>         FL_IMAGE *
>         flimage_dup_(FL_IMAGE * sim, int pix)
>         {
>         ...
>                 FL_IMAGE *im = flimage_alloc();
>                 ...
>                 memcpy(im, sim, sizeof(*im));
> Which seems a bit iffy.. I've just checked - thats is also how it is
> in 1.0. Can you check the current version?

Sigh! Yes, it still does. However, it goes on:

    memcpy(im, sim, sizeof(*im));

    /* reset all pointers */
    im->red = im->green = im->blue = im->alpha = 0;
    im->red_lut = im->green_lut = im->blue_lut = im->alpha_lut = 0;
    im->gray = 0;
    im->ci = 0;
    im->red16 = im->green16 = im->blue16 = im->alpha16 = 0;
    im->packed = 0;
    im->wlut = 0;
    im->llut[0] = im->llut[1] = im->llut[2] = 0;
    im->extra_io_info = 0;
    im->info = 0;

There are actually a heap more pointers that these defined in the struct, but 
I guess that it's here that we should reset the fpin and fpout pointers, no?


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