trying Trying Sys_default: /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/A Trying XAPPLRESDIR -- No such file or directory Trying RESOURCE_MANAGER RESOURCE_MANAGER loaded Trying $XEVIRONMENT Trying ~/.Xdefaults- Trying /home/dennisk/.Xdefaults-Penguin.Underworld In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.debug (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.sync (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.rgamma (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.ggamma (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.bgamma (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.depth (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.visual (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.scrollbarType (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.doubleBuffer (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.ulThickness (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.privateColormap (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.sharedColormap (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.standardColormap (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.buttonFontSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.menuFontSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.choiceFontSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.browserFontSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.labelFontSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.sliderLabelSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.inputLabelSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.pupFontSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.borderWidth (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.ulPropWidth (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.backingStore (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.coordUnit (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.visualID (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.debug (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.sync (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.rgamma (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.ggamma (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.bgamma (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.depth (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.visual (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.scrollbarType (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.doubleBuffer (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.ulThickness (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.privateColormap (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.sharedColormap (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.standardColormap (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.buttonFontSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.menuFontSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.choiceFontSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.browserFontSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.labelFontSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.sliderLabelSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.inputLabelSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.pupFontSize (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.borderWidth (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.ulPropWidth (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.backingStore (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.coordUnit (): not found In fl_get_resource [flresource.c:659] a.xform.visualID (): not found Options Set debug:4 Visual:To be set (-1) depth:0 privateColormap:0 sharedColormap:0 standardColormap:0 doubleBuffer:0 ulPropWidth:1 ulThickness:-1 scrollbarType:0 backingStore:1 coordUnit:pixel VisualId:0x0 rgamma:1.000 ggamma:1.000 bgamma:1.000 screen DPI=83.599998 XlibVersion: R6 In FlInit [flvisual.c:196] DPI=1610612736 No. of Visuals: 8 Best TrueColor: Id=0x21 Depth=16 RGBbits=8 Best DirectColor: Id=0x22 Depth=16 RGBbits=8 In BestVisual [flvisual.c:263] Initial visual: TrueColor(ID=0x21) depth=16 In [fonts.c:192]: FontResolution: 103 MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1216) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (120,288) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1217) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (120,264) hint In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_LEAVE In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_DRAW In SetFont [fonts.c:165] current MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1231) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (118,244) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1232) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (114,230) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1233) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (110,216) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1234) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (106,210) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1235) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (102,206) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1236) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (100,205) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1237) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (100,204) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1238) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (99,204) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1239) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (99,203) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1240) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (99,201) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1241) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (99,199) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1242) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (99,196) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1243) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (99,193) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1244) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (99,185) hint In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_ENTER In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_DRAW In [fonts.c:192]: FontResolution: 103 MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1269) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (97,179) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1270) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (97,177) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1271) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (97,175) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1272) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (97,174) hint MainLoop Event (6,w=0x140001d s=1273) MotionNotify Mode Hint In CompressMotion [events.c:911] win=0x140001d (96,174) hint MainLoop Event (8,w=0x140001d s=1274) LeaveNotify Mode Grab MainLoop Event (7,w=0x140001d s=1275) EnterNotify Mode UnGrab In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_LEAVE In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_DRAW In SetFont [fonts.c:165] current In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_ENTER In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_DRAW In SetFont [fonts.c:165] current MainLoop Event (4,w=0x140001d s=1275) ButtonPress button: 1 In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_PUSH In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_DRAW In SetFont [fonts.c:165] current MainLoop Event (5,w=0x140001d s=1344) ButtonRelease button: 1 In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_RELEASE In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_DRAW In SetFont [fonts.c:165] current In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_LEAVE **** Eaten Event (18,w=0x140001d s=1369) UnmapNotify Eaten Event (10,w=0x140001d s=1369) FocusOut Eaten Event (8,w=0x140001d s=1369) LeaveNotify Mode Normal Eaten Event (17,w=0x140001d s=1370) DestroyNotify In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_FREEMEM In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_FREEMEM In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_FREEMEM In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_FREEMEM In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_FREEMEM In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_FREEMEM In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_FREEMEM In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_FREEMEM In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_FREEMEM In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_FREEMEM In HandleButton [button.c:281] Handling FL_FREEMEM