Re: colormaps and cursors

Petasis Gewrgios (
Mon, 2 Dec 1996 09:59:40 -0600 (CST)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Petasis Gewrgios <> :

> This is one part of the problem, and the other part, unfortunately,
> is a bug in color substitution code in V0.81, which can result
> in a reserved color being accidently freed. This only happens
> under some unlikely combination of situations. That
> is why spl and I were not able to reproduce the problem at first.
> It took me a while to figure out what was wrong.
Thank you for reporting, because although i solved the problem, removing
the background image, I have never figured out why already existing colors
changed. I want to mention that under the same circumstances (background image
present ...) when forcing app to use private colormap, all colors i took
where black. (Not even a single of them something different from black)
Also as i allocate the colors using fl_map_color, all xterms that appear on
desktop that are black, turn to white and then to black. Everything that has a
black color on desktop flashes...
I dont know whats happenning, i only add -private in command line.
I dont know if this is the proper thing to happen. When removing the image,
everything is ok.
Gewrgios Petasis
Physics Department of University of Crete
Heraclion Greece
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