Re: V0.84 Fix3 available now

Christian Lorenz (
Sun, 09 Feb 1997 18:35:01 +0100

To subscribers of the xforms list from Christian Lorenz <> :

Dr. T.C. Zhao wrote:

> From: Christian Lorenz <>
> >1. changes Where's the file which documents the last changes?
> in Changes. It documents the changes since V0.81. Small
> changes for different fixelvels are not specifically
> documented.

Ok, but how should we test the "small changes" when we don't know where
you did these small changes (from fixlevel 2 to 3)?

> > BTW: the actual focused object should be marked (eg. by an
> > additional frame, ...) - currently only input objects are marked
> > with their 2nd color.
> I don't understand what you meant by focus object here. If you're
> talking about the Motif behavior putting a dark frame on the
> last button touched, forget it, I hate that.
I apologize for thinking about that. :-/

> >6. buttons The underscore (_) for shortcuts is STILL missing.
> Have no clue why this is happening. On all the systems
> I have access to, this is not a problem. If anyone has
> this problem (linux only?), I'd like to know the system configuration
> info (OS version, libc, gcc).

Linux V2.0.25, libc V5.2.18, gcc V2.7.2
The undercores are missing since the first XFORMS V0.84 release.
What else do you need?


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