fl_hide_form & fl_set_goddies_font

bbsoltz (bbsoltz@aia.af.mil)
Fri, 14 Feb 1997 10:33:44 -0500

To subscribers of the xforms list from bbsoltz@aia.af.mil (bbsoltz) :

I have two questions. These may be bugs or I am not doing them right.

First of all, I am using xforms_084 on Solaris 2.4 & 2.5

Question 1) My forms will not hide. I use fl_hide_form with the pointer
generated from create_the _form. i.e.
fd_the _form_name = create_form_the_form_name();
. . .

But the form does not go away, and to make matters worst, if you try to
click on the form you just tried to hide, it causes the program to quit.
The only thing that comes up is a message in the window that I ran the
program from that says: "In fl_hide_form [forms.c 801] Hiding
invisible/freeed form"

Any ideas????

Question 2) How do you change the font and font size for the fl_show_input
form? I have tried to use the fl_set_goodies_font command, but all it does
is change the font and size for the button text, not the message text that
I supply to fl_show_input. Any ideas???

Thanks for the help

Brian B. Soltz, Capt USAF DSN: 969-3214
AFIWC/EAST Comm: (210) 977-3214
250 Hall Blvd STE 139 FAX: (210) 977-4814 (unclass)
San Antonio, TX 78243 email: bbsoltz@aia.af.mil

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