xforms 0.81 on AIX V3.2.5

Erwin Burgstaller (ber@knapp.co.at)
Wed, 26 Feb 1997 16:57:57 +0100

To subscribers of the xforms list from Erwin Burgstaller <ber@knapp.co.at> :

Hi, I'm new to this list and to Xform, so I don't know how often this question
has been answered yet.

I've installed Lyx, which is using Xform. Now the people here are lucky with
Lyx and are using it. But the "average load" of our system increments by one
for each Lyx which has been started. In other words Lyx has some busy waiting.
Each Lyx uses about 15% of the available processor time.

This busy waiting happens in the Xform lib in the function fl_watch_io:

dbx Version 3.1
Type 'help' for help.
reading symbolic information ...

attached in fl_watch_io at 0x10029ca0
0x10029ca0 (fl_watch_io+0x184) 80410014 lwz r2,0x14(r1)
(dbx) t
fl_watch_io(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff) at 0x10029ca0
get_next_event(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff) at 0x1000be4c
do_interaction_step(0xffffffff) at 0x1000a6c8
fl_treat_interaction_events(0xffffffff) at 0x1000afc4
fl_check_forms(0xffffffff) at 0x1000b048
main(0xffffffff, 0xffffffff) at 0x10001990

So, what can I do? (Version 0.84 is available, I don't know, if it would work
better with it, but it's only available for AIX 4.1 and I'm not able to update from
AIX 3.2.5)

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