Further spec misfeatures in fdesign

Steve Lamont (spl@szechuan.ucsd.edu)
Fri, 14 Mar 97 08:50:27 PST

To subscribers of the xforms list from spl@szechuan.ucsd.edu (Steve Lamont) :

As a followup to my previous posting, another somewhat more serious misfeature
in the Spec setting functions of fdesign is that if you go into Test mode
and adjust a value, that value is stored as the initial value of the object
rather than whatever might have been set in the Spec window.

This contradicts the second paragraph of section 10.12, Testing Forms, where
it explicitly states that changes made in Test mode are not saved.

Another minor problem I've noted is that when you copy and paste an object
the user supplied specs do not get copied to the newly created object or
objects. This makes it somewhat awkward to create a number of similar
objects without having to dip into the Spec window for each one.

I guess I can argue this one either way, though.

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