FL_MOUSE event

Robin Hosie (robin@cs.curtin.edu.au)
Fri, 4 Apr 1997 14:50:10 +0800 (WST)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Robin Hosie <robin@cs.curtin.edu.au> :


The manual says that the FL_MOUSE event is triggered when the
mouse position changes between FL_PUSH and FL_RELEASE events.
However, in my program it is triggering continuously
between those events, even if I don't move the mouse.

Do I need to set/unset something or is this a bug? If so,
can anyone suggest a work around?


Robin Hosie                      |  robin@cs.curtin.edu.au  
Curtin University,WA,Australia   |  http://www.cs.curtin.edu.au/~robin
The Blues isn't about feeling better, it's about making other people 
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   -- Bleeding Gums Murphy, The Simpsons, ("Moaning Lisa") 

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