Possible browser bug.

Martin Bartlett (martin@nitram.demon.co.uk)
Mon, 7 Apr 1997 17:43:05 +0000 (GMT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Martin Bartlett <martin@nitram.demon.co.uk> :

OK, Up front I admit i'm using Perl, but I THINK there is a timing problem
in multi-select browsers, and I'm not sure how to get around it.

I have a multi select browser with a select call back. The first thing the
callback does is fl_get_browser to get the line number affected. This
works great for single click selections. However, it appears that dragged
selections (or, actually, dragged DEselections) returns me the wrong line
number if I am too fast. That is, if lines 1 thru 8 are selected and I
then do a dragged de-selecetion of those lines, starting from line 8,
then, I might, for example get three returns for line 4 but no returns for
lines 6 and 5. This display is, of course, updated correctly, but my
program consequently gets an untrue picture of what is selected. If I drag
slowly then the problem does not occur.

Now, since I am using perl, which is ackowledged as slower than C, it is
possible that I am the first to experience this, as C calls to
fl_get_browser are probably fast enough that xforms does not loose track
of the occurence of the callback being invoked. But, I suspect that a C
program deliberately coded to be a bit tardy in its callback could be made
to emulate this (though I have not had time to do so).

So, questions:

1) Bug, feature, or me?
2) Any suggestions for getting over it?
3) Anyone willing to try and re-create in C?

I am using xforms 0.86, Xforms4Perl 0.7 (not released yet) on Linux 2.0.28
with X386 3.2.

_/ _/_/_/_/
_/_/ _/_/ _/
_/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/ Martin John Bartlett
_/ _/ _/ _/ (martin@nitram.demon.co.uk)
_/ _/_/_/_/
_/ _/

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