Re: Possible browser bug.

Dr. T.C. Zhao (
Wed, 9 Apr 1997 23:51:26 -0500

To subscribers of the xforms list from "Dr. T.C. Zhao" <> :

>From Billie Sze-Hin Kwan <>
>When I selected a column of items in a multibrowser in a fast speed,
>it seems that the line numbers are not reported properly.

>From Martin Bartlett <>
> That is, if lines 1 thru 8 are selected and I
> then do a dragged de-selecetion of those lines, starting from line 8,
> then, I might, for example get three returns for line 4 but no returns for
> lines 6 and 5.

A new problem in V0.86. It is now fixed. The updated
version for linux/i386 (a.out and ELF) is now available

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