Re: confilict with other applications (WTK)

Claes Andersson (
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 11:50:08 +0200

To subscribers of the xforms list from Claes Andersson <> :

Hello there,

I'll try to give you some help on the first one.

I guess that WTK assumes control over the process. XForms is in no way
multitasking, you have to take care of that yourself. I you have X11R6
then you can solve it with threads. I've never tried that since we're
running R5 here but that should be the most elegant way to solve it. If
the thread-business seems scary, you can try using the idle callback.
In case you're using fdesign, I'll indicate in which file it is appropriate
to put it.

Define a prototype such as:
int * idle(XEvent *, void *); ("xxx.h" , among the callback prototypes)

Register it with
fl_set_idle_callback(idle,0); ("xxx.c" , in function create_forms_xxx() )

Write the function in "xxx_cb.c".

Now, idle should be called whenever there is nothing else to do. Note, that
the buttons etc. tends to get sluggish in this way; Don't try to do too much
stuff each time it is called. Threads would work better since control is
then shifted between the threads on a regular basis.

I hope this helps,

Claes Andersson
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