xyplots and dynamic overlays

Jason Harrison (harrison@cs.ubc.ca)
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 10:56:04 -0700

To subscribers of the xforms list from Jason Harrison <harrison@cs.ubc.ca> :

I'm using an active xyplot to input data values for a simulation, when
running the simulation I display the output graphically using the

I'd like to have an overlay on an active xyplot that changes without
having to do:


I'd also like to turn an active xyplot with the data point handles
into a non-active xyplot without the data point handles. This should
speed up the drawing time a little bit, unclutter the display, and
keep the user from trying to mess with the demonstration data (perhaps
thinking that they can make a change on the fly.

Are these wishes possible?


J. Harrison@cs.ubc.ca                      http://www.cs.ubc.ca/spider/harrison
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