Re: Getting CHARTs to pan left (Summary)

Emmet Caulfield (
Tue, 13 May 1997 18:17:32 +0100

To subscribers of the xforms list from Emmet Caulfield <> :


Followup synopsis, as promised. In response to my original posting:

> The application is required to display a number of graphs, for which
> FL_BAR_CHART is ideal. Each time a new piece of data becomes
> available, the new datum is added *to the right*, ``pushing'' the
> remaining data to the left, causing the oldest datum to be ``pushed
> out of the left''. This does not appear to be directly supported by
> xforms. (DETAIL OMITTED)

My original posting was rubbish. Indeed, the desired behaviour is the
default behaviour of xforms. Explicitly, the answer is that additional
calls to fl_add_chart_value() beyond the limit set by a call to
fl_set_chart_maxnumb() cause the desired behaviour. This was kindly
pointed out to me.

It appears that I have, indeed, stumbled across, and asked, that rare
gem - the _genuinely_ stupid question! A mild case of the software
equivalent of "writer's block" was the cause - not being able to "see
the wood for the trees", as it were.

My apologies for wasting your valuable time with my posting, and my
gratitude for the restraint, from laughter, displayed by the

Emmet. (now a little red-faced)

.------------------------ Emmet Caulfield ------------------------.
|        ** Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur **          |
|          [Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound]       ;-)  |
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