XForms: Re: Find referring form : problem

Steve Lamont (spl@szechuan.ucsd.edu)
Thu, 15 May 97 08:41:38 PDT

To subscribers of the xforms list from spl@szechuan.ucsd.edu (Steve Lamont) :

> When I try to move one of my sliders it gives me an error (which has a dismiss
> button on it) saying that the object passed is not a "slider" type...
> [...]
> My callback for the zoom1_vs_cb function uses the cross referencing to the
> form from the object stuff already posted.
> void zoom1_vs_cb(FL_OBJECT *ob, long data)
> {
> ...
> ...
> ...
> FD_Main_Sound *fdui= (FD_Main_Sound*)ob->form;

This is wrong.

It should be

FD_Main_Sound *fdui= (FD_Main_Sound*) ob->form->fdui;

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