Re: XForms: fl_remove_idle_callback ?

Richard Kent (
Fri, 30 May 1997 12:05:17 +0100

To subscribers of the xforms list from "Richard Kent" <> :

> From: Claes Andersson <>
> I'm a little bit disturbed by a "feature" of fdesign. It gladly overwrites
> anything that happens to have any of the names *c, *h etc. as the *fd file
> ask it to save. Don't you think that an "xxxx exists. Overwrite?" would be a
> good idea? In combination with a "Save as" option. I just lost a few days
> of code because I accidently named a fdesign form the same as a source.

I have to say that initially (as an XForms "newbie") I would have agreed. I too
lost some valuable code when I was restructuring my sound sample editor project
and accidentally renamed the .fd file to the same as an existing, non-xforms
code file. However, to have an "are you sure" prompt come up whenever you went
to save from fdesign would be mildy to extremely annoying after a while. So how
about a compromise ?

It would be very easy for fdesign to put a "standard" comment at the top of its
generated .c and .h files (eg /* Generated with fdesign */). When fdesign then
went to save it could check for the existence of this comment in the .c and .h
files. If the comment is NOT there fdesign would ask the user if he / she is
sure to overwrite the files. If the comment IS there it can assume that the
files may be overwritten without prompting (as they are definitely fdesign

Comment ??


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