XForms: popup menu problems

Chris Olston (cao@cs.berkeley.edu)
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 15:25:34 -0700 (PDT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Chris Olston <cao@cs.berkeley.edu> :


The program I'm working on has a popup menu which is larger than the
program's window. So, when the menu gets popped up, it displays part of
the menu below the bottom of the program's window.

This worked fine, but when I switched from version 0.81 to 0.86.1, it
started truncating the popup menu at the bottom of my program's window.
However, it still allows selections to be made from the invisible part of
the menu.

Is this a known bug with the new version, or something else?



Chris Olston University of California at Berkeley
cao@cs.berkeley.edu Electronics Research Laboratory
http://datasplash.cs.berkeley.edu/ Tioga Database Visualization Project

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