XForms: Walking Forms

Joel Weiner (weiner@mcci-arl-va.com)
Mon, 14 Jul 1997 18:58:51 -0400

To subscribers of the xforms list from weiner@mcci-arl-va.com (Joel Weiner) :

>> The problem is that the menus "walk" down and to the right on the screen by
>> a value which seems to be the number of pixels of the top border and left
>> border.
>> [...]
>> Any ideas as to why the form displaces??
>The displacement is most likely due to the border or other decoration
>that the window mangler places around the window when it's reparented.
>This varies depending upon window manager.

You're right, that is the problem.
I guess I really didn't phrase my question very well... What I need to know
is: How can I specify the window (form) origins so that they will appear where I want them?

I went throught the manual and tried a number of things, such as getting the
window origin with fl_get_winorigin, but the value returned was the same as
that in the form data structure I used to begin with.

Finally, I tried XGetWindowAttributes which seems to return offsets to the
actual form window related to the manager's window border origin.
Does this sound kosher?? Is it transportable across managers?
Anyone have any experience with this?

Thanks again,
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