Re: XForms: Hardcoded Pixmaps

Frank Stefani (
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 12:28:34 +0200

To subscribers of the xforms list from (Frank Stefani) :

Emilio Grimaldo wrote:

> When I have a pixmap button, I have the pixmaps have to reside
> in the same directory where the executable is found (due to
> the fl_set_pixmap_file(obj, PixmapFile), which is a bit
> unpractical as one usually executes the program without cd'ing
> to that directory. As a result empty pixmaps are shown in
> the application :-( Did I miss something? am I doing something
> wrong?

Well, you didn4t miss something. But this problem is a generell
one, not a special XForms one. I did the following to solve this
problem and make it portable to other directory structures at
distribution time.

(1) I defined a default XPM path, relative to the binaries location

(2) I created an environment variable MY_XPM_PATH which, if set,
is used instead of the builtin default

(3) I created an application parameter "-p path" which overwites
the two previous settings, if given.

Some code follows

#include <getopt.h>

#define XPMPATH "./xpm"

int c;
char xpmPath[NAME_MAX];
/* If 'XPMPATH_VAR' is set in the environment, get it! */
strcpy(xpmPath, getenv(XPMPATH_VAR)?getenv(XPMPATH_VAR):"");
while ( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "b:d:D:hp:s:")) != EOF ) {
switch (c) {
case 'p':
/* If pixmap path is given as an option, get it! */
strcpy(xpmPath, optarg);
} /* switch */
} /* while */


/* If neither the environment variable 'XPMPATH_VAR' */
/* nor the option "-p xpmpath" was given, use the default */
if ( !(xpmPath[0] != '\0') ) {
strcpy(xpmPath, XPMPATH);


} /* main */


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