XForms: hide and show form

Orlando Andico (orly@gibson.eee.upd.edu.ph)
Tue, 12 Aug 1997 08:49:39 +0800 (GMT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Orlando Andico <orly@gibson.eee.upd.edu.ph> :

On Mon, 11 Aug 1997, Tristan Savatier wrote:

> I want to hide and then (later) show a form, at the very
> same place.
> So I do:
> fl_hide_form(myform);
> ...
> fl_show_form(myform, FL_PLACE_POSITION, FL_FULLBORDER, "my form");
> And I do that same sequence several times.
> Each time, the form reappears shifted by one pel toward the
> right and one pel toward the bottom from where it was before
> (i.e. it slowly drifts...).
> Is that a bug ?
> (Using 0.86, Xfree86 3.2, fvwm on Linux 2.0.27)

I think it's a problem within Fvwm. I have an application that constantly
hides and shows forms (popup icon menus). To prevent them from drifting
around (n.b. this problem also appears with the FvwmIconMan module and
some others) you can use fl_set_form_geometry() if you don't mind
overriding the WM's default window placement with your own "hard-wired"

Orlando Alcantara Andico
WWW: http://www.dilnet.upd.edu.ph/~orly/ Email: orly@mozcom.com
ICBM: 14 deg. 30' N, 120 deg. 59' E POTS: (+632) 932-2385
"violet serene like none I have seen apart from dreams, that escape
me, there was no girl as warm as you."

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