XForms: Re: Set tabstap positions for a browser?

Oliver Freyd (Oliver.Freyd@post.rwth-aachen.de)
Sun, 17 Aug 1997 19:54:21 +0200 (MET DST)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Oliver Freyd <Oliver.Freyd@post.rwth-aachen.de> :

Hello Xformers!

I'm just trying to display some data as a table in a browser.
If found that the \t character works as a tabulator, so the cursor
moves on to the next tabstop. Is there any way to control the tabstop positions?
Or is this done by the X-server?

Any help would appreciated, as individual tabstops would make table writing
much easier...

Thank you, Oliver

E-Mail: Oliver Freyd <Oliver.Freyd@post.rwth-aachen.de>
Date: 17-Aug-97
Time: 19:54:24

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