XForms: fl_deactivate_form/fl_activate_object

Lothar Esser (esser@chop.swmed.edu)
Wed, 24 Sep 1997 11:57:09 -0500 (CDT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Lothar Esser <esser@chop.swmed.edu> :

Dear Colleagues,

I have a question about fl_deactivate_form and fl_activate_object. I
have a form with a number of objects all of which I need to deactivate
while a sub process is running but one. I do this by deactivating the form
with fl_deactivate_form rather than going through the whole list of
objects and calling fl_deactivate_object(). Then I would use
fl_activate_object(button1) to activate the button I want to remain
active. However it is not yet active - it takes another fl_hide_form() and
fl_show_form() to activate it. Is there another way to achieve the same
thing ?
Is there some kind of refresh function for deactivated forms
because on the other hand I can deactivate and reactivate and object and
the effect is instantaneous. Now that I think about it, would
fl_check_forms() do the trick ?



P.S. I have xforms 0.86 on SGI R4400 Irix 5.3

Dr. Lothar Esser
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas Texas 75235-9050

E-mail : esser@chop.swmed.edu

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