XForms: XForms V0.87.3 Error at Date_input ?

Helmut Bohr (Helmut.Bohr@t-online.de)
Mon, 6 Oct 1997 23:11:43 +0200

To subscribers of the xforms list from Helmut.Bohr@t-online.de (Helmut Bohr) :

Dear Friends

Error at DATE_INPUT ?

I4m using an INPUT_FIELD with type DATE_INPUT:

01.01.00 ok
01.01.2000 ok
1.1.00 ok
1.1.2000 ok


1.1.01 wrong
1.1.2001 wrong

1.1.02 ok
1.1.2002 ok

Helmut Bohr                               Mail Helmut.Bohr@T-Online.de
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