XForms: Xforms Calculator 3.1.1

Martin Bartlett (martin@nitram.demon.co.uk)
Thu, 9 Oct 1997 13:45:28 +0000 (GMT)

To subscribers of the xforms list from Martin Bartlett <martin@nitram.demon.co.uk> :

Its out on Contrib - there are no enhancments, just a rather critical bug
fix (clear after entering a decmial fraction did WEIRD things to the


For those who don't know, the Xforms Calculator is a standard scientific
calculator emulator with most things you would expect from such (eg it
does most of what the MS Windows Calculator does) plus the ability to
execute external user-written functions as part of a calculation.

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_/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/ Martin John Bartlett
_/ _/ _/ _/ (martin@nitram.demon.co.uk)
_/ _/_/_/_/
_/ _/

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