Re: XForms: Problem with file selector

Ivan Powis (
Thu, 09 Oct 1997 17:25:22 BST

To subscribers of the xforms list from Ivan Powis <> :

> >HP 9.03 xforms 0.87.3
> Thanks for this piece of info. What is the window manager ?

OK I have explored some more. I've used a HP/UX 9.03 system
running HP's VUE 3.0 and mwm, also a HP/UX 10.20 system running CDE
and a PC based xserver. I've used code compiled/linked and running on
either system with local and remote X servers and basically it seems to
boil down to a problem for the 9.03 X server (independent of window
manager and whether the code is 9.03 run locally or 10.20 run

To summarise the problem seen with the butttypes demo:

Once started I hit the keyboard return. A single callback by the
RETURN button is logged in the log browser. But the RETURN button can
be seen to go down, up THEN DOWN AGAIN! At this point clicking any
other button with the mouse does nothing, the form is effectively
frozen. Hit keyboard Return again and _two_ callbacks are logged and
the button visually returns to the up position. Hitting return again
causes the form to cycle through this two phase sequence. At any time
with the RETURN button left visually up, other mouse clicks are

Now it gets WEIRDO! But believe me this is what I see.
If I send a keyboard interrupt (^C) to kill the demo form when it is
in the locked state (button visually stuck down) I then find that
all demo forms I now start that work ok!! Any previous invocations of the
demo started still running on the server continue to malfunction.
On the other hand if I kill off a malfunctioning demo form when the
button is visually up, subsequent invocations still malfunction.

The above behaviour with a ^C applied to a frozen form apparently
clearing the problems with future invocations applies equally to the
malfunctioning RETURN button in file selector goody which I originally

One other clue is that having 'cleared the problem' by ^C a frozen
form, I notice that the auto repeat on the keyboard is disabled.

If I log off (thus restarting the server??) the problems reappear when I
next log back on.

I don't have enough understanding of X to know if this makes any kind
of sense. It suggests the problem is with the 9.03 server, but I've
never noticed any problems like this with any other non-xforms app.


    ___  ___/   _  __ /  Ivan Powis                TEL: +44-115-951-3467 |
        /         /   /  Department of Chemistry   FAX: +44-115-951-3562 |
       /         /  _/   University of Nottingham                        |
      /         ___/     Nottingham NG7 2RD                              |
     /         /         UK                                              |
    /         /                           | 
_______/  ____/              |

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